Image 4
When it comes to vision boards people often use them to showcase items which they are attracted to and those that inspire them. A vision board tells a lot about someone, it can illustrate their interests, the colours they’re attracted to and give a snapshot of their personality.
Image 1. The first image is of my vision board. The cylinder at the side is my original Morris & Co wallpaper given to me as a gift, I keep it in sight at all times!
Image 1. The first image is of my vision board. The cylinder at the side is my original Morris & Co wallpaper given to me as a gift, I keep it in sight at all times!
Image 2. This image is of my first Mokum design, it’s the starting point for Izar, from our Modern Maroc collection. I love the colours and looking at it reminds me of the days I first started here at Mokum.
Image 3. I’m attracted to all things tomato red. I also have a love for old Vogue covers, this is where the elegant lady came from.
Image 4. Every morning I read the latest posting on the Sartorialist blog. I love fashion and he photographs fashion in a way that no one else has before. This image, taken in Paris, was placed on my vision board on a miserable winter’s day, I so longed to go to Paris and join in on their lovely summer’s day.
Image 5. I love this amazing hand painted 1920s treasure. A friend of Stephanie’s, our Design Director, found three of them at a garage sale, what a find! Somehow I gained possession of them and have all of them on my vision board.
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